LogScope™ has the ability to work with the basic spectral game ray components of Potassium, Uranium and Thorium to give spectral gamma ray insights. Basic when considering the sophisticated multi-element analysis of some tools but it is useful in generating some insights into clay composition. Contact HRP here for more information on LogScope™.
Looking at an individual well or multiple wells we can view like the figures below. We have used standard cross plots illustrated below to estimate clay type in track 6 and plotted the U-TH-K as an RGB fill in tracks 5.

HRP has implemented the ability to review the elemental data using the cross plot found in any chart book as shown in the figures below. The construction of these cross plots allow the determination of clay type. Ranging from Chlorite through to Glauconite.
Additionally LogScope™ allows the building of Ternary plots. The functionality allows single well or multi well plotting of the data based on wells or positional (RGB) colors as shown in the 2 figures below.

Finally, in the multi well option, the statistics (in this case averages) can be exported as a shape file and imported into your favorite mapping package. a few examples are shown below from the Cooper-Eromanga Basin below. We have overlaid subsea depth contour to the Hutton Formation (Hall, L.S., Hill, A. J., Troup, A., Lawson, C., Wang, L. & Smith. M. 2016b. Cooper Basin Architecture and Lithofacies: Regional Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Cooper Basin, Data Pack 1. Geoscience Australia, Canberra.).

Thanks for this data proccessing from Dlis or Lis format. I can make the same results using the Petrolog 10.5.3. Could you please send me the data demo ? Thanks. Best Regards