Our Services
HRP is a specialist in advanced Petrophysical Interpretation of all wellbore data, converting raw data into valuable insights for your business. Our wide range of services includes Petrophysical Evaluation, Data Editing and Standardization, Deterministic Models, NMR Evaluation, Rock Mechanical Properties Computation, Shale Gas Computation, and Special Mineral Evaluation including coal bed methane or Coal Seam Gas (CSG). We also offer Borehole Image Evaluation services such as Structural and Fracture Interpretation, Paleocurrent Evaluation, and Petrophysical Image Evaluation. The integration of our services enhances the value of your wellbore information by providing a comprehensive understanding of fractures and structure, information that directly correlates with production, and the application of spatial mapping of properties for effective reservoir management. At HRP, we strive to unlock the full potential of your wellbore data, positioning ourselves not just as service providers, but as your partners in success.
At Harvey Rock Physics, we are committed to providing state-of-the-art solutions to the oil and gas industry. Our team of experts specializes in using LogScope to perform Multi well, NMR, Full wave sonic processing.
We perform Saturation, Porosity, and permeability computations. and strive to use advanced technology and innovative techniques to deliver accurate results and help our clients make informed decisions.
Fracture Aperture Analysis
HRP’s methodology for calculating fracture aperture from image data involves using conductivity and estimating inflection points from distributions. This technique is based on a consistent difference between the conductive value of the fracture and the surrounding rock. The importance of fracture aperture in oil production and hydrogeology lies in its control over fluid transport in fractured rock masses. For more insights into fracture length and beyond, HRP encourages contact for further information.
HRP’s methodology for calculating fracture aperture from image data involves using conductivity and estimating inflection points from distributions. This technique is based on a consistent difference between the conductive value of the fracture and the surrounding rock. The importance of fracture aperture in oil production and hydrogeology lies in its control over fluid transport in fractured rock masses. For more insights into fracture length and beyond, HRP encourages contact for further information.
HRP provides comprehensive borehole image interpretation services, focusing on structural and paleocurrent interpretation to assess the viability of locations for hydrocarbon accumulation. Our services address key challenges such as determining structural dip, assessing fracture frequency and density, and understanding permeability distribution. We have successfully undertaken large multi-well studies, providing valuable insights that can be integrated and related to production. Contact HRP today to optimize your hydrocarbon accumulation strategy.
HRP’s Rock Physics uses petrophysical properties derived from salient logs to compute porosity, clay content, matrix composition, salinity and any hydrocarbon saturation. Elastic properties are derived from this model. HRP uses tensor optimization calculations to identify the real-world orientation of the true horizontal and vertical stress as well as the principal stresses: Sigma 1, 2 and 3. This synthesizes the stress magnitudes as computed from the open hole logs with the computed stress orientations computed from the borehole images.
HRP’s methodology for calculating fracture aperture from image data involves using conductivity and estimating inflection points from distributions. This technique is based on a consistent difference between the conductive value of the fracture and the surrounding rock. The importance of fracture aperture in oil production and hydrogeology lies in its control over fluid transport in fractured rock masses. For more insights into fracture length and beyond, HRP encourages contact for further information.
Petrophysical image interpretation is a critical process that uses borehole images to understand rock properties like grainsize, porethroat size, and permeability. The raw data, which follows a Gaussian distribution, is essential for creating accurate trends and predictions. Utilizing this service can lead to more efficient resource extraction operations, as demonstrated by a recent successful oil extraction based on data interpreted three years prior.
HRP’s methodology for calculating fracture aperture from image data involves using conductivity and estimating inflection points from distributions. This technique is based on a consistent difference between the conductive value of the fracture and the surrounding rock. The importance of fracture aperture in oil production and hydrogeology lies in its control over fluid transport in fractured rock masses. For more insights into fracture length and beyond, HRP encourages contact for further information.
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