LogScope Fiber
Fiber data is becoming a critical component of understanding well performance and well intervention. Companies have collected Petabytes of data but are unable to view and interrogate the fiber data in a timely manner to improve decision making and independently extract value from the data. This is due to limitations in the software to rapidly handle large data files, and the inability to integrate with other commercial software. Hence, vast amounts of the fiber datanever gets used to it’s full potential

LogScope Fiber was developed to rapidly view, select and manage critical and actionable data.
The approach is simple. Drag and Drop the DAS or DTS file(s) into the LogScope Fiber Window, and immediately a dynamically normalized display is presented. The software allows users to quickly choose what is important to work on for rapid decision making.
Fiber data is collected in large data sets surpassing hundreds of Terabytes for a multi-day survey. LogScope Fiber was developed to rapidly view, select and manage critical and actionable data.
The approach is simple. Drag and Drop the DAS or DTS file(s) into the LogScope Fiber Window, and immediately a dynamically normalized display is presented. The software allows users to quickly choose what is important to work on for rapid decision making.
RAPIDLY Load & Review Fiber Optic Data
Acoustic (DAS)
Temperature (DTS)
QUICKLY Visualize Entire Dataset
Focus on Area of Interest
Select Zone of Interest
Identify Events of Interest
EASILY Process & Export
Trim to Zone of Interest
Down Sampling
Image Processing
Digital Processing
Export in DLIS, HDF5, SEG-Y
Capabilities & Functionality
EFFICIENT Data Editing & Management
Mapping in Depth and Time
Trimming and Export to New File
ENHANCED Data Visualization
Data Zoom In/Out
Amplitude Scaling
Adjust Color Range
View Energy Spectrum
Playback Mode
FLEXIBLE Data/Image Processing
Noise Reduction:
Median Filter
Digital Filtering:
Low Cut, High Cut
Data Decimation

Color Adjustment
Adjusting the color palette to match the dynamic range of the data is simple in LogScope Fiber. Any color palette can be designed and saved for future use.

Optimize Features
An animated energy display is provided so the exact frequency distribution in the DAS data can be reviewed. Binning and digital filtering optimization are user defined. These capabilities can be used to create a visually aesthetic presentation that highlights the major features, such as flowing fractures, leak points and other features or anomalies that help you better understand your reservoir.
An Example
The RAW Input Acoustic Data can be quickly processed to show the descent of a FiberLine Intervention* tool in a well.