LogScope is a new generation package that works locally on the following platforms:
Windows devices
iOS devices including iPhone
MACOS devices
The software allows:
WITSML streaming
OSDU access
Cross sections
Data Editing
Petrophysical Interpretation
Borehole Image Interpret
User equations
Python Scripting
Data Display
Cross plots
Depth indexed plots
Videos showing LogScope on windows click here.
Videos on iPad and iPhone click here

LogScope is easy to use and works on a Windows, iPad and iPad Pro tablets.
Users say " It was fabulous for monitoring LWD results and picking TD at 3 am in the morning. Easy to use."
"I'm extremely pleased with the LogScope package."
Data Structure
The data is stored locally on device and leverages the security features of iOS and Windows 10 architecture to keep the data secure. The data can come from any source and archived remotely from any cloud based or web accessible data base. Some examples include OSDU, Well to Desk and various WITSML vendors.
Standard LAS, LIS, DLIS and CSV files can be loaded directly from email, disk files or web links. Optical Televiewer LOX, Acoustic Televiewer LGX and Century LOG can also be loaded.
Sample rates are honored and discrete data, array data and high-resolution information can be stored locally. All metadata such as header, logging run properties and formation tops are stored locally as well.

LogScope allows single well plots to be constructed using components that include:
Depth track
Curve shading
Borehole Images
Photographic images
Tadpole plots
Polar plots
Alphanumeric curve data
Discrete data
Formation Tops
The plot set up can be saved as user defined templates and exchanged between devices and users.
Cross plots can be created using three curves and sized and stored as defaults. Predefined cross plots that include matrix lines and other signifying features are also built and can be accessed by the user quickly and easily.
User defined depth index plots related to the cross plot is available and points can be highlighted on either to show the points or interval of interest.
A simple Deviated plot is also available which allows the attitude of the well to be shown.
The Map view allows wells to be displayed spatially and leverages the mapping capabilities in the respective Windows and iOS environments.
Lines of Sections can be fixed distance fence, projected or scaled and can use any datum such as a zone or formation top. They can be scaled in true vertical depth or depth subsea.

User defined curves and templates

LogScope has the following editing functions:
Depth Shifting
From any plot, the user can graphically trim selecting top and base of log interval to keep. This trim function can also expand the various groups in LogScope.
Data from external DLIS, LAS files can be directly merged into existing data sets. Curves can be composited or changed by copying from individual groups within a well to other groups. Mixed and discrete sample rates are handled as LogScope intelligently copies curves appropriately.
The graphical Patching function allows curves to be interactively digitized using Mouse, Apple Pen or Finger. Artefacts such as tool pick up can be removed quickly from a curve.
Both rubber band depth matching and linear depth matching (one depth shift) which can be applied across multiple curves and baseline curve shifting are available. The latter being suitable for Spontaneous Potential drift correction.
The data view in LogScope allows individual values to be edited on the fly simply by clicking on the value and editing it.
LogScope has a vast unit conversion data base so recognizes most units used.

Baseline shift
LogScope functions:
Gas Wetness Ratio
Unit Conversion
Set to Missing
The Linear and Logarithmic functions allows the curve to be scaled or functioned using a basic equation.
The Gas wetness ratio allows computation of the gas wetness ratio curves.
Rescale allows a curve to be rescaled to a different minimum and maximum.
Unit conversion allows the units of a curve to be converted. An example is Percentage (%) to decimal volume for volume.
Curves can be set to missing over whole range or some of the range.
Interpolation allows various interpolation functions such as step, azimuthal and logarithmic. Curves can be smoothed using the smoothing function.
The solver allows single line equations to be added and saved. Whereas the Scripting allows python scirpts to be pasted in and executed. Inputs are stored in the well file and can be stored as zone parameters or global parameters.
HRP has licensed an NMR echo train to T2 processing algorithm which allows the T2 distribution to be recomputed. It works with most echo train data sets including core-based NMR data sets.
LogScope performs complete petrophysical processing and any or all of the following can be processed:
Gamma correction
Density Correction
Neutron Correction
Bad Hole Flag
Apparent porosity
Spectral Gamma
Apparent Water resistivity
Total and effective porosity and Saturation
Lithology from various models
Pay flags
Rock Mechanics
Unconventional Reservoirs
Coal Bed Methane
Cased hole Sigma
NMR T2 distribution to porosity and clay
LogScope preserves the original input data and creates a Group with all the updated curves and output data.
The mud properties stored in the well header are used to compute the mud properties along the well bore.
LogScope has four models which include a basic deterministic, complex lithology, silt, shale, sand model and a dual water model. The flexibility allows parameters and curves to be used as inputs for additional Python scripted models.
LogScope has a sophisticated geomechanical computation module as well as ability to handle Unconventional reservoirs and coal bed methane computations.
LogScope allows different models to be used for different zones in a well and also provides the ability to different models for facies zones. For example, coals can be identified and the gas volumes computed in one pass.
LogScope has a sophisticated multi well interface that allows:
Petrophysics to be applied on multiple wells
Plots for multiple wells to be generated
Hydrocarbon volume reports produced as spatial input for mapping packages
Functions to be applied across multiple wells
The heart of the multi-well system is the global parameter store which allows reference wells to be added and used spatially. In the conventional petrophysical computation, LogScope will use the nearest neighbor reference well to compute the petrophysical properties of a stored well. The user algorithms and Python scripting can also take advantage of this methodology and they too can be run to use nearest neighbor reference wells.
LogScope has sophisticated error reporting and will not stop processing wells at the first irregularity. It will process all wells and provide a comprehensive status report as a spreadsheet that can be reviewed to determine where inconsistencies and missing data exist. The major benefit is that in most cases the majority of wells will be processed. The same mechanism exists for user algorithms and Python scripts.


LogScope will only allow you to plot a recognised plot with a LAS file. The package has a number of modules which are arranged as per the following table. Most modules have a prerequisite of the Display module. To make things simpler we have four packages:
Basic Display Plus Basic Log Analysis
Advanced Display Plus Advanced Log Anaysis
which will allow you to choose the capability that meets your needs. The diagram shows the matrix of capabilities. You can buy a subscription for individual modules (subject to prerequisites) or a bundle and on 90 or 365 day basis. For other needs contact us here