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  • Writer's pictureNicholas Harvey

LogScope - Erasing Casing Effects

LogScope has the ability to interactively using gestures the ability to erase casing effects as seen in the video at the bottom.

The casing effects are removed by using the patch command as shown in the screen shot below. Tap on the curve and then select patch. We are going to erase the RLA5 curve.



The next shot shows the changing from patching to erase by tapping the icon in borrow right hand corner of the screen.



The final image shows the removal of the curve by tapping on the plot twice, on second time you can hold your finger down and it will delete (by changing to a lighter colour) the curve you don't want to see. Alternately you tap at top and base.

Once you have selected the interval just touch with your finger the process button and you are done.


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