Harvey Rock Physics presented LogScope at the 2016 Houston Chapter Software Show. Nicholas Harvey presented a live demonstration of LogScope preceded by a few slides.
Some interesting information was presented regarding the use and relevance of mobile applications and specifically LogScope.
Tablet applications as constrasted with monolithic on web based applications are generally:
Feature Rich
Flexible Usage
Can be used on iPad and Windows Tablets
Usage Rates are high.
The short message was:
Nimble - Easy to use in wide variety of environments
Versatile - Provides depth indexed and cross plots
Compatible - Inputs and outputs LAS and DLIS
Uniquely positioned to take advantage of the data oceans of wireline data that form part of BigData in the Petroleum industry.
The demonstration showed that LogScope has an overwhelming number of features implemented that match a majority of the core capabilities of monolithic packages.
Why LogScope is an Effective Solution?
According to Artyom Dogtiev (December, 2015) in the article App Usage Statistics: 2015 Roundup out of 5.6 hours people spend 2.8 hours or more than half on a mobile device. as shown in the graph below.
Time Spent per Adult User per Day with Digital Media, USA, 2008-2015
Source SmartInsights
It is interesting to note that from the same article one can conclude that generally people use their smartphone or their tablet because:
Users don’t have to play a waiting game
The “App” is constantly there and available for use
Tactile interface is intuitive
Tablets and smart phones as a novelty went a long time ago. People have smaller number of task specific apps. Of which one dominates seen from the graph below:
Source ComScore
The ComScore publication makes even more interesting reading when you see that the statistics show that Tablet users are more dedicated to their top 4 to 5 applications than smart phone users.
BigData and LogScope
In the presentations at the Software Show there was considerable reference to BigData and being able to rapidly move through the oceans of data. The data available to the Oil and Gas industry is overwhelming however for a comparison, ComScore shows that mobile apps are driving the time spent in digital media.
We have some exciting things on the horizon with LogScope and it is uniquely positioned to help leverage such oceans of data in its domain. For example imagine being able to effectively sift, review and evaluate myriads of wireline logs in data rooms, from online repositories or your corporate data store from a tablet anywhere and anytime.
Source ComScore