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  • Writer's pictureNicholas Harvey

Hydrocarbon Corrected Neutron Density added to Log Analysis

HRP has added into the Log Analysis module in LogScope the ability to correct for Hydrocarbon density. For more detailed information on LogScope go here. Contact us here

The additional cross plots and parameters are illustrated in the figures below. The user simply specifies the hydrocarbon density and the neutron and density are corrected. Examples from Windows and the iPad are shown.

This plot allows the user to enter a hydrocarbon density and process. The points automatically adjust towards the matrix line or below it. The uncorrected is on left and corrected is on right.

ROMU versus PHIE

ROMU versus PHIE

The above is the same plot on the iPad.

A similar plot to the initial Neutron-Density cross plot is shown below. Again the user can interactively enter the hydrocarbon density and note the adjustment. The uncorrected on left and corrected is on right.

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